Econia: Afterword

In the land of Econia, where people aspired to build a fair and sustainable society, they understood the vital importance of safeguarding their shared resources and allocating opportunities thoughtfully.

The leaders in Econia, responsible for crafting policies, focused on enhancing the lives of all its citizens, both present and future generations. They recognized that their decisions today would have enduring consequences, shaping the lives of those who would inherit their legacy.

By working collaboratively, the people of Econia established a thriving society that valued fairness, sustainability, and foresight. Their strong sense of unity and shared purpose served as an inspiring example for others to follow.

A thriving society

In Econia, the guiding principles for achieving shared prosperity and wise stewardship included:

1. Shared Prosperity and Stewardship: Our economic growth must consider real resources and ecological realities, not just fiscal numbers. We must responsibly allocate resources and promote sustainability to benefit current and future generations.

2. Full Employment and Stable Prices: Jobs for all who seek work unleash human potential, reducing poverty and advancing the common good. Price stability arises from fair wages and cooperation between workers and businesses.

3. National Progress and Sovereignty: Progress depends on developing our people and sharing resources, not money flows across borders. Sovereign nations choose policies that improve citizens' lives within environmental limits. True prosperity comes from within.

4. Money Supply as a Public Tool: The money supply serves the public as a tool for commerce and savings, not an end in itself. It must grow with the real economy to sustain living standards. Its growth originates from government investment in the common purpose.

5. Government Spending and Public Service: Government spending reflects its mandate to serve citizens. Demand stems from human creativity, not just money. Through imagination and compassion, the government can inspire society's best: participation, fair reward, and stewardship.

6. Purpose and Vision: Public policy should prioritize purpose and vision beyond rules and targets. Balancing opportunity, responsibility, and hopes of generations matters more than balancing accounts. Investing in people, environment, knowledge, and justice advances the human spirit, leading to shared prosperity and peace.

Together, these principles illuminate an economics of stewardship—one that measures true prosperity in the well-being of all and the integrity of our natural world. Prioritizing full employment, fair reward, sustainability, and the common good can unleash humanity's highest potential and build a society of shared prosperity through wise leadership and collective wisdom.

shared prosperity