Buffer Stocks
Buffer stocks are an important tool that governments can use to stabilize prices and supply in commodity markets. The key mechanism relies on the government fixing either the price (P) or quantity (Q) of a commodity while allowing the other to float based on market conditions. This creates a "buffer stock" that balances out supply and demand cycles. It may surprise you that you use them every day.
Examples of Price Floors
We see minimum price controls acting as price floors throughout the economy:
Minimum wage laws fix the price of labour at a minimum level.
Agriculture policies set minimum "price support" levels for crops.
Resale price maintenance laws allow manufacturers to fix minimum retail prices.
Price floors for airline, rail, trucking, and shipping fares.
Minimum markup laws for gasoline and alcohol pricing.
Price controls on pharmaceuticals in many countries.
Minimum prices for child care, utilities, and other services.
Regulated minimum prices for basic utilities like electricity, water, and garbage collection.
Minimum prices are mandated for certain professional services like healthcare, legal services, funerals, and more.
Minimum pricing standards in many service industries to curb predatory pricing.
Guaranteed minimum prices for producers in agricultural supply management systems.
While price floors set a minimum price, price ceilings establish a maximum price to make goods more affordable for consumers. Just as price floors help producers and aim to prevent predatory pricing, price ceilings protect consumers from being gouged when demand spikes or supply is limited.
Examples of Price Ceilings
We also see price ceilings and caps:
Rent control often combines minimum and maximum rents.
Price caps on utilities, gasoline, pharmaceuticals, and other goods prone to price gouging.
Usury laws limit maximum interest rates and fees charged by lenders.
Price ceiling for tickets to public events, airports, rail travel, and other services.
Caps on credit card interest rates, overdraft fees, and payday lending rates.
Limiting premium increases for health insurance plans.
Capping price increases during emergencies, natural disasters, pandemics, etc.
Maximum tuition increases are allowed at public universities.
Limits on ATM fees charged to customers, known as ATM Interchange Fee Reform.
Price caps on landline telephone service were enacted in many states to ensure affordable access.
Hospital rate-setting programs that limit how much hospitals can charge for procedures and services.
Buffer stocks have been successfully used for decades to moderate-severe price fluctuations in volatile commodity markets.
The Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1933 established grain reserves to control wheat prices. These reserves acted as a buffer stock to bring stability to the volatile market after crop failures and overproduction tanked prices during the Great Depression's Dust Bowl era. The grain reserves allowed the government to intervene and influence prices when market forces created extreme price swings that harmed both producers and consumers.
Australia's Wool Price Stabilization Plan from 1970 to 1991 gave the government wool acquisition authority to conduct buffer stock auctions and purchase wool if reserve prices were not met to reduce severe fluctuations in wool prices on the international market. The buffer stock auctions smoothed the boom-and-bust price cycle inherent in the wool market by setting a floor price for producers and preventing manipulation.
OPEC's coordinated control of oil production quotas and supply among its member nations has served as a buffer stock mechanism to maintain target price ranges for crude oil since the 1973 oil crisis when prices quadrupled. OPEC manages the buffer stock buffer by adjusting production quotas based on market conditions to prevent prolonged periods of excessively high or low oil prices.
Buffer stock policies like price floors, ceilings, and caps have a long history of moderating price swings and volatility. While specifics vary, controlling price extremes is a common tool used judiciously and every day in many sectors of the economy.
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